Vocabulary [ gloslista ]
new [ny - nytt - nya]
creek [bäck - bäcken - bäckar]
dark [mörk - mörkt - mörka]
water [vatten - vattnet - vatten - vattnen]
forest [skog - skogen - skogar]
photo [bild - bilden - bilder, kort²(foto) - kortet - kort - korten ]
autumn/fall [höst - hösten - höstar]
Oh! Thank you for the vocabulary! I've always been so sad I never took the time to learn Swedish while my grandparents were alive....breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteAnd these photos, as always, are magical. I can just imagine the smell of the forest. The hush overlayed with the whisperings of the leaves and the water and the creatures moving about.
You're welcome! [varsågod!] Heather
ReplyDeleteI will try to write some Swedish words about places of my photos in the Post!
[Jag ska försöka skriva några svenska ord om platser av mina bilder]